Posts Hidden Assets Investigations - An illustration of a safe with the door open.

Hire a Los Angeles Private Detective to Find Hidden Assets

In California, both private and corporate clients may hire a Los Angeles private detective to conduct a hidden assets private investigation. The reasons that an individual or organization might need to work with a California private investigations firm to determine someone’s true net worth span a broad spectrum. However, some of the most common are family law disputes and bankruptcy fraud for individuals, and joint business ventures or executive level pre-employment background checks for organizations. Kinsey Investigations is a licensed and insured Los Angeles private detective agency with more than two decades of experience in all kinds of hidden assets investigations. Our female private detectives have the upper hand in cases involving sensitive family disputes, and we naturally put both men and women at ease, giving us a better chance of getting the information our clients need. Privacy laws, especially in the state of California, can make assets and hidden finance investigations particularly difficult, especially if an inexperienced L.A. private investigator is hired to handle the case. Kinsey Investigations brings our extensive experience to these and all our investigation services with novel techniques and creative solutions to solve all sorts of cases for our clients.

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California Private Investigators Talk Relationship Background Checks

The demand for relationship background checks is something that any seasoned California private investigator will have encountered. L.A. private investigators have seen it all, over the years, and they can attest that choosing to conduct a pre-marital background check or intimate partner investigation, as the case may be, can save people from many woeful outcomes down the road. While you or your partner may feel strange about the idea of a relationship background private investigation, any awkward or hurt feelings pale in comparison to the devastation of dealing with a cheating spouse or the fallout from a failed relationship, especially if children become part of the equation. Every month, California private investigators conduct dozens of Los Angeles infidelity investigations and gather evidence for child support and child custody investigations in L.A. Malibu, Long Beach and elsewhere. So many cases of adultery, divorce and other family law litigations could have been avoided if the adults involved had chosen to work with a California private investigations firm before taking the next steps in their relationships. Before you commit to moving in with your partner, combining finances, or becoming parents, it pays to hire a Los Angeles private detective agency to conduct an intimate partner private investigation.

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Why You Should Hire a Los Angeles Private Investigator

So why should you hire a California private investigator? If you’ve never worked with a Los Angeles private detective, you may not realize the full scope of private investigations services offered in California. L.A. private investigators spend their days working for all sorts of clients and cases. Sometimes, it’s something as routine as serving court papers (also referred to as process service) to individuals named in legal proceedings. Or, a California private investigator may be hired for a Los Angeles infidelity investigation, child custody or child support case, or to help locate a missing person. Even businesses and other organizations hire Los Angeles private detective agencies for corporate services such as secret shopper investigations, sometimes called integrity checks, or for comprehensive corporate security investigations that can reveal weaknesses and liabilities in campus and data security, employee and management personnel, as well as workplace and operational safety. Disability and workers compensation fraud cases are additional corporate investigations services for which savvy business owners and management teams hire California private investigation firms. While it’s not illegal for private citizens or human resources personnel to address many of these cases, there can be quite a few pitfalls to attempting to do a job that would be better left to a licensed private investigator.

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Cell Phone Forensics Private Investigations in California

Los Angeles private detective agencies use cell phone forensics for many types of private investigations services in California. From child support and child custody investigations in L.A. to infidelity investigations and locating missing persons, the information stored in a cell phone may prove vital for cracking a case or helping a client win in court. Using cell phone forensic techniques, a California private investigator can extract data from a digital device which may include location history, private messaging, photos and videos, financial transactions, and more. While some information may even be gathered without direct access to the device, safe and legal confiscation of a cell phone and proper data extraction by an L.A. private investigator ensure that the evidence gathered will be admissible in court. Whether a client simply needs the answer to a specific question or is counting on comprehensive evidence to prevail in legal proceedings, turning to a licensed California private investigation firm for cell phone forensics services is the best bet. Kinsey Investigations has over 20 years’ experience including cell phone forensics. Over the decades, cell phone design and security have improved dramatically, and so have the state-of-the art techniques we use whenever we need to incorporate cell phone forensics into a case.

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Surveillance Private Investigations in Los Angeles

Many California private investigations involve surveillance. Los Angeles private detectives often use surveillance to answer a client’s question(s) or gather information or evidence for many types of cases. While some surveillance operations require an L.A. private detective to follow one or more persons from place to place, others involve visiting or even staking out a single location to get answers to specific questions. Everything from quick and easy activity checks and secret shopper private investigations to multi-day stakeouts fall under this definition. Surveillance may make up the entirety of a job or be one of many tools that a California private investigator employs to serve their clients. Female private detectives have the edge when carrying out surveillance investigations, because we naturally put most people at ease and can easily blend into many environments. Kinsey Investigations’ team of female private investigators use surveillance as part of quite a few of our private investigations services.

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Female Private Detectives for Child Custody Investigations

A parent may hire a California private investigations firm to conduct a child support or child custody investigation in L.A. or elsewhere throughout the state. A Los Angeles private investigator can provide surveillance to check on a child’s welfare and living situation while in the care of a coparent or stepparent. Los Angeles private detective agencies may also be hired by attorneys or directly by parents to gather evidence for these family law cases if either parent is living with a new partner, or if one or both parents’ financial situation has changed. Female private investigators are ideal for family law cases involving children for several reasons, not the least of which being that most kids of all ages feel more comfortable speaking with us. At Kinsey Investigations, we’re parents too, and we understand the intense emotions that become part of these sensitive situations. Our team of female private detectives still receive thanks and family updates, even years later, because we have helped so many families take the legal steps necessary to live their best lives.

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Searching for Missing Heirs in California

Private investigators in Los Angeles and throughout California offer missing heir investigation services to attorneys or direct to clients. Missing heir private investigations, also referred to as missing-heir searches, involve locating a person (usually a relative) with whom a client has lost contact. In some cases, missing heir searches are primarily for the children, grandchildren, or other successors of a relative presumed deceased. Los Angeles private detective agencies may be hired to find and account for missing heirs when a will is in probate, when the person may have a partial interest or ownership in family property, or before real estate or other valuable family holdings can be sold. Kinsey Investigations is a licensed California private investigations firm with over 20 years’ experience solving missing-heir cases. Our female private detectives have the professional training and experience to locate and account for relatives or anyone that our clients have lost touch with. Sometimes the only details we start with are a name and the last known address, but we know the techniques and we have the technology to do the rest. If you need to find a relative you’ve lost touch with or locate a potential heir to your estate, don’t hesitate to contact us. The sooner we hear from you, the sooner we can begin solving your case.

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Becoming a Licensed Private Investigator in California

Every private detective in Los Angeles remembers the process they had to go through to become a licensed California private investigator. Including at least three years of investigative work experience, passing the state’s private investigator exam, and involving several other requirements, the path to becoming a licensed private investigator in California is actually one of the most straightforward and flexible in the nation. For some L.A. private investigators, their road began with earning a law degree or a bachelors in police science or similar. For others, investigative work for the military or a police department helped them find their calling. For every licensed detective who works for a California private investigations firm, passing the state exam and following the steps of the P.I. license application rounded out the process before they could obtain their license and be listed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services. You can find Kinsey Investigations listing with them here. If you want to know more about what it takes to become a licensed Los Angeles private investigator, keep reading

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Kinsey Investigations Workers Comp Fraud - A roll of US dollars is held with red rubber bands

Los Angeles Private Investigations into Workers Comp Fraud

Smart Los Angeles area business owners and insurance providers hire California private detective services to avoid paying out fraudulent workers compensation claims. Disability and workers comp fraud have ballooned across the country to the tune of an estimated $30Billion per year, nationally. More and more organizations are responding by hiring California private investigators to independently verify the legitimacy of workers comp claims. A few decades ago, companies could avoid most of this type of fraud with in-house policies carried out by their own personnel. Unfortunately, in the 21st century workers compensation and other types of disability and insurance fraud have grown beyond the rare occurrences, and fraudsters have honed their tactics for getting away with this type of fraud. These days, it often takes a professional Los Angeles private investigator to uncover workers comp fraud and gather the necessary evidence to dispute falsified claims. Working with a private detective agency in Los Angeles or Orange county is a wise move for California business owners and insurance providers who want to eliminate fraudulent workers comp claims and expose those who are trying to take unfair advantage of the system.

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Kinsey Investigations Why Your Should Hire a Private Investigator - Two men and a woman look down at documents on a conference table.

California Private Investigators Save Clients Time and Money

At Kinsey Investigations, we’re not always the first California private investigations firm our clients have called. We hear about it all the time, from something as simple as needing court documents served to full-on infidelity investigations in Los Angeles, many people come to us after becoming frustrated with law enforcement or another private investigator. We’ve earned our reputation as the best private investigator in Los Angeles as well as dozens of 5-Star online reviews, because we get the job done, and often within days, when others have failed over weeks or even months. The same can be true for our attorney and corporate clients. Attorneys and law offices sometimes attempt to keep all billable hours for a case in-house. They may believe that they or their staff can adequately handle any private investigation services required. And many business owners don’t understand the legal liability they’re undertaking in potentially litigious situations without the help of a private detective agency. However, wise California attorneys and business owners facing cases such as these realize they’ll save money and time by choosing to work with a licensed Los Angeles private investigations firm.

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