Three Levels of Background Check Screenings
For all types of background check screenings, working with a private investigator offers many advantages over using an online or automated background check service. Especially in California, a state with some of the strictest privacy laws (not to mention some of the stiffest penalties for people injured through negligence or failure of adequate due diligence), the cost of working with an experienced Los Angeles private investigator may pay for itself many times over in protecting you or your organization from expensive litigation and potential penalties. Like most California private investigation services, background check investigations range from simple to complex, Basic pre-employment background check screenings may only require verification of the information a job applicant has provided including their identifying details and any history of criminal activity. More extensive and comprehensive background check investigations dive deeper, researching residential, employment, and financial histories, searching for everything from civil and criminal litigation, nationwide, for up to seven years prior. No matter what kind of background check screening services are required, Kinsey Investigations offers an appropriate level of service to find the answers you or your organization need to make the best choice for yourself, your family, or your company.